Thyroid Disease is a maze…Start your journey now.
The Thyroid Maze Map
The first step to find your way out of the thyroid disease maze is to learn why you are lost in the first place. This may seem overly simple but not many thyroid patients can pinpoint what this looks like and the answer is elusive.
The answer is actually simple… but perhaps not easy unless you are willing!
Are you ready to take your first step out of the maze?
The Most Frequent Questions from Thyroid Patients
Unfortunately, yes, most doctors will read your results and if they are in the normal “range” then there is nothing more they need to do for you from that perspective.
The problem with this, i that blood marker ranges are based on the “average of the population”. See the problem here? If the epidemic that is now thyroid disease is growing exponentially, that means that the range is more on the sickly side than it is on the healthy side.
This is why you still feel sick, when you are within range. Add to this the fact that blood tests tell you what is in your blood NOT what is in your cells, then that leaves us with another anomaly. We don’t actually feel well until that thyroid hormone is in our cells. See the problem?
That is possible. But it is also possible to reverse the need for medication, particularly if you get onto it early in your thyroid journey, before your thyroid has had the chance to kick off its shoes and lay on the couch and get super lazy.
If you have been on medication for 30 years, then that is a little harder to achieve… not impossible… but harder.
If you are on medication because your thyroid has been removed, then yes, you will be on medication for life as you no longer have an organ that is producing one of the most vital hormones in our body.
Doctors often do not test for thyroid antibodies because it doesn’t change the way they can treat you medically.
However as a patient, you absolutely need to know if your thyroid issue has been caused by an autoimmune dysfunction. If your immune system is out of control, you want to know, as there are things you can do to calm it down.
In many cases, once the immune system is balanced again, then the thyroid issue may resolve.
There can be many reasons you are so tired including iron levels, Vitamin B levels, Anemia & Vitamin D levels, but the most common reason with thyroid disease is that your activated thyroid hormone (it doesn’t matter if you take it in tablet form or your thyroid makes it) is not getting into your cells where it is needed then you will not have any energy.
When you are under stress (who isn’t these days?) then our body turns our activated T3 hormone into Reverse T3 to put the brakes on from us doing anything. So this is another reason you may still be tired.
Our Study Pathways
This is a great place to get started on educating yourself on the most important thing in your life… YOU and your thyroid!
Affordable short lessons about specific issues related to Thyroid Disease. Easy bite sized classes with actionable steps.
For when you are ready to go deep on knowing everything there is to know about your health challenges, and you are ready to get on with it RIGHT NOW.